The Last Sun

In this debut novel and series starter, the last member of a murdered House searches for a missing nobleman, and uncovers clues about his own tortured past. Rune Saint John, last child of the fallen Sun Court, is hired to search for Lady Judgment’s missing son, Addam, on New Atlantis, the island city where the Atlanteans moved after ordinary humans destroyed their original home. With his companion and bodyguard, Brand, he questions Addam’s relatives and business contacts through the highest ranks of the nobles of New Atlantis. But as they investigate, they uncover more than a missing man: a legendary…

The Hanged Man

The last member of a murdered House tries to protect his ward from forced marriage to a monster while uncovering clues to his own tortured past. The Tarot Sequence imagines a modern-day Atlantis off the coast of Massachusetts, governed by powerful Courts based on the traditional Tarot deck. Rune Saint John, last child of the fallen Sun Throne, is backed into a fight of high court magic and political appetites in a desperate bid to protect his ward, Max, from a forced marital alliance with the Hanged Man. Rune’s resistance will take him…

The Hourglass Throne

As Rune Saint John grapples with the challenges of assuming the Sun Throne, a powerful barrier appears around New Atlantis’s famed rejuvenation center. But who could have created such formidable magic . . . what do they want from the immortality clinic . . . and what remains of the dozens trapped inside?Though Rune and his lifelong bodyguard Brand are tasked with investigating the mysterious barrier, Rune is also busy settling into his new life at court. Claiming his father’s throne has irrevocably thrown him into the precarious world of political deception, and he must secure relationships with…

The Eidolon

In the epic conclusion to K.D. Edwards’ first blockbuster trilogy in The Tarot Sequence series, readers followed Rune on a race against time as an age-old threat rose to threaten the city of New Atlantis. Now, for the first time, The Eidolon tells what really happened to Max, Quinn, and Anna as prisoners in the Hourglass Throne’s base of operation.The Eidolon is the first in a brand new collection of novels and novellas in the Magnus Academy Series. These stories will be told through the various points of view of Rune’s found family, ultimately leading to a planned arc of…

Le Dernier Soleil

Rune Saint-John, dernier descendant de la cour déchue du Soleil, se voit engagé pour enquêter sur la disparition d’Addam, fils de dame Justice, en Nouvelle-Atlantide, la ville-île où les Atlantes se sont établis après la destruction de leur terre d’origine par les humains.Accompagné de son Acolyte et garde du corps, Brand, il infiltre les plus hautes sphères de la noblesse néo-atlante pour interroger les proches et les associés du disparu. Très vite, cependant, leur enquête va les mener sur une piste imprévue: celle d’une créature légendaire liée au secret du massacre de la cour de Rune. En cherchant Addam, Rune…

Le Pendu

Rune Saint-John, dernier descendant de la cour déchue du Soleil, s’efforce de protéger coûte que coûte Max, l’adolescent qu’il a recueilli, d’un mariage contracté de force avec le Pendu. Ce faisant, il s’enlise dans un conflit mêlant magies arcaniques et intrigues politiques.
Sa quête le mènera dans des recoins improbables de l’île, tels qu’un quartier chaud aménagé sur un quai de navires fantômes, une étrange ferme en gratte-ciel, ainsi que…

Le Trône de Sablier

À peine monté sur le trône de Soleil, Rune Saint-John apprend que le célèbre centre de rajeunissement de la Nouvelle-Atlantide est prisonnier d’une puissante barrière magique. Qui se cache derrière cet impressionnant fait de magie? Pourquoi cibler la clinique de l’immortalité ? Qu’est-il advenu des dizaines de personnes piégées à l’intérieur?Chargé de mener l’enquête avec Brand, son garde du corps de toujours, Rune n’en oublie pas pour autant sa nouvelle vie de cour. La revendication de son trône l’a précipité dans les eaux dangereuses des manigances gouvernementales. Il devient impératif de consolider ses relations avec ses nouveaux alliés afin de…

Extra Content

Tales from New Atlantis

A collection of free stories taking place outside of the main novels

The Encyclopedia of New Atlantis

Informational entries on the Arcana, Worldbuilding, Content Warnings, and more

Map of New Atlantis

Tarot Accounts Timeline


The Last Sun

The Tarot Sequence – Book 1


The Misfit Caravan

The Tarot Sequence – Book 4


The Dragons Rise

The Tarot Sequence – Book 5


The Living Storm

The Tarot Sequence – Book 6
