Content Warnings

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I asked my beta readers to help assemble this list of content warnings, and they didn’t disappoint. I don’t even remember which animal I killed, but I trust them when they say it happened.

The gist is this: my novels have a dark past. Rune’s story is one of survival from an episode of physical and sexual violence. And surviving trauma isn’t the type of thing that ever has a neat ending. It’s a lifelong effort. I wanted to be honest about that, and show Rune constantly fighting to grow past the defeats of the past. At the same time, this is an urban fantasy set in a city where even allies can be dangerous–and you see a lot of that grit in the writing.

I try to be extremely respectful of this content. I’m not afraid to admit that I felt I had too heavy a hand in THE LAST SUN, and tried to moderate the… vividness of some of these scenes.

And, as always, I try to populate my story with a lot of love, found family, humor, and the diametric opposite of toxic masculinity.

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There are currently 18 topics in this directory

Alcohol Use
Recurring incidents of alcohol consumption throughout series

The Hanged Mandepictions of enslavement and abuse of fantasy creatures; rescue of fantasy creatures

Scenes from the Holidaysdepictions of and references to enslavement and abuse of fantasy creatures; rescue of fantasy creatures

The Hourglass ThroneLord Fool's dog is temporarily abandoned, but returned safely


Character Death
**Recurring central topic throughout the series; both referenced and graphic/on-page** -- only instances regarding named/central characters will be listed
The Last Suntwo named antagonistic characters are killed

The Hanged Manreferenced death of multiple named side characters; antagonist and named allies

The Hourglass Thronenamed side character; central side character; antagonist and named allies

See also: murder

Child Marriage
The Last Sunreferenced arranged marriage between a minor and adult

The Hanged Manextensively discussed forced arranged marriages between an Arcana and minors; discussion of child marriage in a transactional light

See also: grooming, pedophilia, sexual assault

Childhood Trauma
**Recurring central topic throughout the series**

Corporal Punishment
Past; referenced and discussed throughout series


Drug Use
The Sunken Mallreferenced

The Hanged Mandiscussion of a type of fictional drug known as the Agonies and their side effects; a character takes medication to control their powers that causes negative side effects

The Hourglass ThroneRune and Brand smoke marijuana; references to the Agonies

The Last Suna character is drugged as a means of revenge but is not harmed by it

The Hanged Manreferenced

The Hourglass Thronecharacters are drugged for the purpose of taking them hostage

See also: alcohol use


**Recurring central topic throughout the series; both referenced and graphic/on-page**
Includes injuries with lasting damage and injuries to children
See also: animals, character death, corporal punishment, loss of limb, murder, self-harm


Loss of Limb
The Hanged Mana main character loses a hand during a conflict and receives a magical prosthetic


**Recurring central topic throughout the series; both referenced and graphic/on-page**

See also: animals, character death, corporal punishment, injury, loss of limb


The Last Sunimplied

The Hanged Mancentral topic regarding the Hanged Man's child spouse

See also: child marriage, grooming, sexual assault

Recurring, regular use throughout the series

The Hanged Man and beyondreferences to characters paying for sex; a named side character is a sex worker at the Green Docks


The Hanged Man and beyonda character utilizes self-harm as a way of releasing their magic

Sexual Assault
The Last Sunreferenced multiple times including graphic flashback of assault on a minor; implied assault on a minor by a family member

The Hanged Manreferenced

The Hourglass Thronegraphic flashbacks

See also: child marriage, grooming, pedophilia

Sexual Content
The Last Sunimplied/off-page between side characters in the Lovers Estate; manual and oral sexual content between Rune and Addam

The Hanged Manimplied/off-page; see also: prostitution

Scenes from the Holidaysimplied/off-page; see also: prostitution

See also: prostitution


**Recurring central topic throughout the series; both referenced and graphic/on-page**
See also: animals, character death, corporal punishment, injury, loss of limb, murder, self-harm, weapons


**Recurring central topic throughout the series; both referenced and graphic/on-page**
Includes: guns, knives, explosives, poison, magic